Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Where in the LRC is Stevie Pointer?

Stevie Pointer:
A Mascot's Journey from Fuzzy to Funny to Fierce to Found

Photo courtesy Sydney Swan

Stevie and Pal @ College Days for Kids

Logo credit: UWSP Athletics

What happens to old mascots when they're no longer able to romp and frolic on the sidelines, when they just can't keep pace with the undergraduate lifestyle anymore? Where do they go when they're replaced by younger, funner, fiercer models?

The intrepid scholars of ENGL101-30 wanted answers to these questions, so they turned, of course, to that great repository of knowledge: the Learning Resources Center, aka the library.

Monday, December 3, 2012

All I Want for Christmas: 90-Second-Pitch Products

A) Wearcom Jeans

B) Baby Mop

C) Body Snood

D) Scooter Cooler

E) Sport Doggles

F) Hamster Cage Paper Shredder

G) Bluetooth Mobile Watch

H) Motorized Ice Cream Cones

I) Goldfish-to-Go

J) Boom Sneaker

K) Treadwall

L) Two-Way Toothpaste

M) Water Jetpak